Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This Week on WXYC

Wednesday (TONIGHT!), hear the triumphant return of the Feedback Farm, with experimentation riffing on a not-so-triumphant subject... loneliness. Give the farm some listening love! 9 pm.

On the Thursday Night Feature, Steph R. guides you through an aural tour of Soul Ladies. These womens' voices will glide like baby oil through your ear canal and croon "Honey, come back!" down your Eustachian tube, only to pound heartbroken beats on your ear drums. Don't miss it. 9 pm.

Then Friday, on the Inside Track, hear the Soundway Records compilation Nigeria Afrobeat Special: The New Explosive Sound in 1970s Nigeria in its entirety. It's the fourth release in Soundway's Nigeria Special series. Dominated by saxophones and big brass with a political message, Afrobeat has a huge sound. Oh, but you've heard these songs before? LIES!!! NO, YOU HAVEN'T!! They have never been released outside of Nigeria until now!! 9 pm.

Later that night, come to the WXYC-sponsored Global Music Jam. Hear WXYC DJs spin some worldly tunes to raise money for Nourish International. Starts at 9 pm at The Nightlight in Chapel Hill.

Talkademia, featuring a recorded interview with Bill Ferris, is cancelled on Sunday.

But wait! Wait! It's not over: everyday at every hour, CONTINUOUSLY LISTEN TO AWESOME RADIO.

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